Prove that: 
(cosA - sinA + 1) / (cosA + sinA +1) = (1 - sinA) / cosA 


For solving this questions we need to rationalize the denominator. But for easiness, we have taken the sign common in the LHS. Then we have rationalized the denominatora you can see in the image.

Then when we rationalize,we have to open the formula of (a-b)² and a² - b²

Once we do this, we get some we get sin² x + cos² x in numerator which we can write as 1.

Then we have to take the terms common and then cancel the equal terms of the numerator and denominator.

Then we apply simple mathematics to solve the question and prove that the LHS is equal to the RHS.

This way you can solve the given trigonometric identity of Trigonometry in mathematics.
