In this page, you can find the complete solutions of the first exercise of Logic, Sets, and Real Number System chapter from Basic Mathematics Grade XI book published and distributed by Sukunda Pustak Bhawan.
In the above-mentioned book, logic, sets, and real number system is the 1st chapter and has four exercises only. Out of which, this is the solution of the first exercise.
Check: Basic Mathematics Grade 11 (Sukunda Publication) Guide:
Grade 11 Basic Mathematics by Sukunda Pustak Vawan Notes and Solutions | Nepal
Answers mentioned here are not solved by teachers. These are the solutions written by a student of Grade 11. Answers are all correct. However, the language or process of solving the questions might be informal and in examinations, you might have to add little more language and show more calculations than what has been done here. So, we highly encourage you to view these solutions as guide rather than just copying everything mentioned here. Few questions have been typed while most of them have been updated as pictures.
Related Exercises
Logic Exercises
1. Which of the following sentences are the statements? Find the truth values of those sentences which are statements.
a) Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal.
\implies This is a statement. Its truth value is TRUE.
b) Nepal exports oil.
\implies This is a statement. Its truth value is FALSE.
c) 3 + 5 = 8
\implies This is a statement. Its truth value is TRUE.
d) Where do you live?
\implies This is not a statement because it is an interrogative sentence.
e) Understand logic.
\implies This is not a statement because it is an imperative sentence.
f) Oh! how beautiful the scene is?
\implies This is not a statement because a statement cannot express someone's feelings.
2. Let p: demand is increasing and q: supply is decreasing.
Express each of the following statements into words.
a) \sim p Demand is not increasing.
b) \sim q Supply is not decreasing.
c) p^q Demand is increasing and supply is decreasing.
d) $p∨q$ Demand is increasing or supply is decreasing.
e) \sim p ^ q Demand is not increasing and supply is decreasing.
f) $p ∨ \sim q$ Demand is increasing or supply is not decreasing.
g) $\sim p ∨ \sim q$ Demand is not increasing or supply is not decreasing.
h) - (p^q) It is false that demand is increasing and supply is decreasing.
Check the solutions mentioned in your book. Almost all the solutions are already mentioned there.
Check also:
About the Textbook:
Name: Basic Mathematics Grade XI
Author(s): D.R. Bajracharya | R.M. Shresththa | M.B. Singh | Y.R. Sthapit | B.C. Bajracharya
Publisher: Sukunda Pustak Bhawan (Bhotahity, Kathmandu)
Telephone: 5320379, 5353537
Price: 695 /- (2078 BS)
Buy this book: Basic Mathematics : Grade XI – Sukunda Publication
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