
In Nepal, Mathematics is made compulsory up to Class 10. The final examination of class 10 is known as the Secondary Education Examination (SEE). Each and everyone wants to score higher Grade Point Average (GPA) in this examination. No other subjects than Compulsory Mathematics, Optional Mathematics, and Science would help them to score GPA above 3.60 and up to 4.00.

You may also be interested in:
  1. Grade 11 Basic Mathematics by Sukunda Pustak Vawan Notes and Solutions | Nepal
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  3. Class 10 DR Simkhada Optional Mathematics Notes and Solutions
  4. vedanta Excel in Mathematics Class 10 Guide Book, Notes, and Solutions
  5. DR Simkhada Maths Links Class 10 Guide
  6. Grade 10 Compulsory Mathematics Past Question Paper | SEE Question Paper 2075

Class 10 Compulsory Mathematics

So, today we have created a study guide of Compulsory Mathematics for every student like you who is studying in Nepal and wants to score higher grades. Here, we have provided you the notes, solutions, and tests related to Compulsory Mathematics of Class 10.

Before that, let us know what actually Mathematics is? Mathematics is a vast subject. It covers every small to big objects and things in the universe. Science is nothing without Mathematics. In every sector of life, we require mathematics. One can simply understand its importance as most of the popular scientists are Mathematician by academic qualification.

Here are the notes of Compulsory Mathematics for Students of Nepal:

Tax and Money Exchange
Compound Interest
Population Growth and Depreciation
Mensuration - Area of Plane Surface
Algebra - HCF, and LCM
Algebra - Simplification of Rational Expressions
Algebra - Indices
Algebra - Simultaneous Equations

Here are the solutions of Compulsory Mathematics for Students of Nepal. Questions have been taken from vedanta Excel in Mathematics Book 10. The solutions have been answered either in odd or even manner. Not all questions have been answered in each chapter. However, more than 50% of the questions from each chapter have their step-wise solutions mentioned in the blog that is super easy to understand if you have the basic knowledge of Mathematics.

1.1 Sets - Problems Based on Two Sets
1.2 Sets - Problems Based on Three Sets
2.1 Tax and Money Exchange - Value Added Tax
2.2 Tax and Money Exchange - MP, Discount and VAT
3.1 Compound Interest
4.1 Population Growth
5.1 Mensuration - Area of Plane Surface
6.1 Mensuration: Cylinder and Sphere
7.1 Mensuration Area and Volume of Prisms
7.2 Mensuration Area and Volume of Pyramids
7.3 Mensuration Area and Volume of Cones
7.4 Mensuration in Household Activities
8.1 Algebra - HCF
8.2 Algebra - LCM
9.1 Algebra - Simplification of Rational Expressions
10.1 Algebra - Indices - Simplify
10.2 Algebra - Indices - Exponential Equation
11.1 Algebra - Surds - Simplification
Algebra - Surds - Simple Surd Equations
Algebra - Equations - Simultaneous Equations
10.2 Exercise Solution
Algebra - Equations - Quadratic Equations
Geometry - Area of Triangles and Quadrilaterals
Geometry - Circle
16.1 - Trigonometry - Height and Distance
16.2 - Area of Triangles
17.1 - Statistics

We hope you will find these notes and solutions helpful. Navigate around to find more useful notes, solved exercises, questions, answers, and solutions.

Read also:

Class 10 Mathematics Syllabus for SEE

There are a  total of seven units. Each unit is divided into chapters, if required. Follow the links below to access solved questions and answers to the following topics from Compulsory Mathematics for Secondary Education Examination:
  • Sets
    • Problems based on two sets
    • Problems based on three sets
  • Arithmetic
    • Compound Interest
      • Compound Interest compounded annually for up to 3 years
      • Compound Interest compounded semi-annually for up to 2 years
      • Compound Interest compounded tri-annually for up to 1 year
    • Growth and Depreciation
    • Currency and Exchange Rate
  • Mensuration
    • Surface Area and Volume of right angled pyramid having circular and square base
    • Surface area and volume of combined solid objects made up of at most two objects
    • Problems related to cost estimation by the application of properties of different solid or geometrical shapes.
  • Algebra
    • Sequence and Series
    • Means and sums of artihmetic sequence and series
    • Means and sums of finite terms of geometric sequence and series
    • Solving Quadratic Equation (by facotrization, completing square and using formula method)
    • Simplification of algebriac fractions (at most 3 fraction)
    • Exponential Equation
  • Geometry
    • Area of Triangles and Quadrilaterals
      • Relation of area of parallelograms, triangles parallelolgram and triangle stnading on the same base and between the same parallel lines
      • Problems related to area of triangle and parallelogram
    • Construction of triangle and quadrilaterals with equal areas
      • Construction of two parallelograms having equal area
      • Construction of two triangles having equal area
      • Construction of parallelogram and triangle having equal area
      • Construction of triangle equal in area to a given parallelogram
    • Circle
      • Relation between central angle, inscribed angle and it's coressponding arc (concept only)
      • Relation between central angle and inscribed angle based on same arc
      • Relation between the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral
      • Problems related to a facts of angles and arc of circle
  • Statistics and Probability
    • Statistics
      • Mean, median, mode only one and quartiles of classified data
    • Probability
      • Addition law of probability
      • Independent and dependent events, Multiplication Principle of Probability
      • Probability tree diagram and related problems (two stages only for three events and three stages only for two events)
  • Trigonometry
    • Height and distance (either angle of elevation or angle of depression is given)


• Class 10 Mathematics Guide

We have covered almost the entire syllabus of Class Ten. Additionally, there are over 500 solutions of questions.

• Class 10 Mathematics Easy Notes

We have notes for half of the total chapters of Mathematics. We are dedicated to keep how with the proportion of adding new notes and solutions, hand by hand.

• Odd or Even solutions to every exercises of Vedanta Excel In Mathematics Book 10

Vedanta's Mathematics books are popular across Nepal and is a competitor in the market. Also, the questions are a little more tough than the normal textbooks published by Government of Nepal.
