We, SciPiPupil, accept advertisements in our blog. Currently, we have been running AdSense ads in the blog. And, if you want to display your own custom ads, we are ready for it.

Why Advertise at SciPiPupil?

  • SciPiPupil has been attracting hundreds of new users each day to its site. Monthly, we have over thousands of unique visitors visiting our blog to find help with their academic problems. And what's more good? 90% of the total visitors are from Nepal.
  • SciPiPupil has study materials for students of Class 10. So, it is definitely a wise choice to advertise with us in order to reach more students over Nepal.

What are the benefits?

  1. Publicity of your organisation/institution/website/company.
  2. Cheaper costs for advertising.

What is the pricing?

  1. Header ads costs NRs 2000 for 2 months.
  2. Sidebar ads costs NRs 500 for 2 months.

For further talks. Contact us via the contact form at the bottom of this page.