Prove that:
(cotA + cosecA -1)/ (cotA -cosecA +1) = 
(1 +cosA)/ sinA

For this question, we will use the Trigonometric identity for value of 1

Cosec² x - cot² x= 1

And above identity is a² -b² which can also be written as (a +b)(a -b)

Remember we will only use the identity for the value 1 in numerator not in the denominator.

So, we will take the terms common in numerator and cancel the equal terms of the numerator and denominator.

Then we will make it equal to the right side.

See the image above to visualize the answer.

And this way you will prove the given trigonometric identity ,
(cotA + cosecA -1)/ (cotA -cosecA +1) =
(1 +cosA)/ sinA, 
in Trigonometry.
