Prove that: (tan4A-tan3A)/(1+ tan4A.tan3A) = tanA
Prove that: (tan4A-tan3A)/(1+ tan4A.tan3A) = tanA | Trigonometric Ratios of Compound Angles | SciPiPupil
This question might seem difficult at the first glance. So, what I suggest is: 'Take the problem easily but seriously.' Therefore, look for the possibilities. When I looked, I knew the formula of tan2A and tanA but I had not read the use of tan4A nor tan3A. Then, I looked into the question, I saw, tanA in the RHS, I realized, 4A-3A= A and what If I put tan on both sides and start solving? And when I did, I came to eh answer. But, only this trick isn't okay. You will need to understand the given formula of Compound angles.

And, once you understand these relations and formulas and tricks, finally you must be able to solve the algebraic expressions. And with combined effort of all these, you can turn this Mathematics into Math-e-Magic.

Question: Prove that: (tan4A-tan3A)/(1+ tan4A.tan3A) = tanA | Trigonometric Ratios of Compound Angles | SciPiPupil
