On this page, you can find the complete solutions of the first exercise of the Quadratic Equations chapter from Basic Mathematics Grade XII book published and distributed by Sukunda Pustak Bhawan.
In the above-mentioned book, permutation and combination is the first chapter and has four exercises only. Out of which, this is the solution to the first exercise.
The answers mentioned here are not solved by teachers. These are the solutions
written by a student in Grade 12. The answers are all correct. However, the
language or process of solving the questions might be informal and in
examinations, you might have to add a little more language and show more
calculations than what has been done here. So, we highly encourage you to view
these solutions as a guide rather than just copying everything mentioned here.
Exercise 1
About the Textbook:
Name: Basic Mathematics Grade XI
Author(s): D.R. Bajracharya | R.M. Shresththa | M.B. Singh | Y.R.
Sthapit | B.C. Bajracharya
Publisher: Sukunda Pustak Bhawan (Bhotahity, Kathmandu)
Telephone: 5320379, 5353537
Price: 695 /- (2078 BS)
Buy this book: Basic Mathematics : Grade XI – Sukunda Publication
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